
Dr. Nicole Zutz - BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor & Clinic Owner

Dr. Nicole Zutz is a dedicated and skilled naturopathic physician with extensive training in her field. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. Her education has equipped her with the expertise to address a variety of health issues, including chronic pain, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and mental health concerns, with a holistic approach that emphasizes the body's inherent ability to heal itself.

Dr. Zutz is known for her commitment to personalized patient care. She takes the time to thoroughly understand each patient’s unique health situation and goals. This personalized approach helps her build strong, trusting relationships with her patients, allowing her to tailor her treatments effectively and address the root causes of their health issues. Dr. Zutz is an active member of the naturopathic community. Her dedication to education empowers her patients to participate actively in their health journey, making informed choices about their treatment options. Dr. Zutz's holistic and patient-focused approach ensures that her patients receive the highest standard of care in naturopathic medicine.

My Favorite Pastimes: I love spending time in nature. When I’m away from the office, you’ll find me spending time with my husband and 2 children, traveling or spending a day on the lake.

Education/Training: Bachelor's degree in Biology at University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George and Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at the Canadian College for Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.

My Techniques: Acupuncture | IV Therapy | Nutrition & Dietary Support | Herbal Medicine 

Find Me For: Stress Management | Fertility and Women’s Health | Digestive health

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