
Dr. Tanner Alden - BSc, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Tanner Alden is an experienced Naturopathic Doctor with a focused interest in Cosmetic Botox and Prolotherapy. He is dedicated to offering top-tier care, creating customized treatment plans that are carefully aligned with each patient's unique needs and desires. His approach blends comprehensive medical knowledge with a thorough understanding of individual patient goals, ensuring optimal care delivery.

Dr. Alden excels in improving aesthetic appearances using Botox injections, which effectively reduce wrinkles and fine lines, giving patients a more youthful and refreshed look. He tailors each treatment to achieve subtle, natural-looking results, enhancing patient confidence while maintaining facial balance and expression. His practice extends beyond cosmetic changes, focusing on overall facial aesthetics and patient well-being.

In addition to cosmetic treatments, Dr. Alden practices a holistic approach to health care, incorporating various natural therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and prolotherapy. He addresses the root causes of health issues, enhancing overall health and wellness. Dr. Alden's caring and patient-centered approach fosters a welcoming environment, helping patients achieve their health and beauty objectives in a supportive and effective manner.

My Favorite Pastimes: Having practiced in both North Vancouver and Northern BC, I discovered Prince George resonates with my philosophies and interests in a special way.  I also grew up in Vanderhoof where I spent my time snowboarding, mountain biking, backpacking, and playing soccer. And outside of work you’ll find me rock climbing, traveling, and spending time with my wife and sons. 

Education/Training: Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, B.Sc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UNBC, a member of the BCNA,  CNPBC, and CAND associations, additional training and certifications in IV Nutrient Therapy, Prolotherapy [including PRP], Chelation and Environmental Medicine, and Acupuncture. 

My Techniques: IV Nutrient Therapy | Prolotherapy | Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Prolotherapy | Chelation and Environmental Medicine | Acupuncture | Hormone Replacement Therapy

Find Me For: General care | Digestive health | Stress & Burnout | Acute & Chronic Pain Management | Autoimmune Diseases | Chronic Disease Management

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